Monday 1 October 2007

Designer Futures.

Ok, ideas. They came thick and fast at first (pun... intented?), but the bane of rationality has limited them somewhat, so here are a few ive whittled down.

1: SUPERHUMANS. I'd love to roll with some sci-fi prophecy of the future where, as Morpheus said it, "human beings are not born, they are grown." However not with such a bleak, end of humanity feel. More like an age, ohh say about 2048, where civilisation is at its pinnacle. Life is good for the everyday homosapien, desease is basically irradicated, poverty and hunger barely exist, and of course, the machines are our loyal servants. Genetics is at a point where we can pick and choose to create the 'perfect' human. You want your child to have blonde hair, blue eyes. No problem. But why? You want your little foetus to be a girl, tall and cat-walk skinny, no problem. The idea came from an article i read in New Scientist a few months back, on athletes with essentially super organs. Lance Armstrong (he won the Tour De France seven consecutive times, during losing his right testicle to cancer) was born with larger than normal heart and lungs. This is a characteristic common in many marathon runners, free divers and cyclists. So if we apply the blue sky what if...? What if we could genetically design foetus's to have superhuman strength, agility, respiration etc etc Superman. Well the problem with this idea is i don't know how it would manifest itself into an appropriate piece of work for the brief. Pretty cool to think about though.

2: GPS YOUR BABY. We all live in a surviellance society, Big Brother is watching blah blah blerghh. But for all this CCTV and Microsoft reading your email, what the hell happened to Madelaine McKann?! Now the parents are prime suspects or something, i mean i duno where i stand, i dont know them from Adam, but to lose you little girl and then be blamed for it, that's gotta be horrific. Anyhoo i digress. GPS your baby. Perhaps a decade or so into the future it will be more than acceptable to microchip your new born, maybe even at birth, you know like cutting the umbilical cord. And done so in such a way that it's undetectable to others. Now no more missing child, or person cases, paedofilia made impossible, yay, and all that surrounding malarky. Brilliant. You could even equip your child with a mini lens and microphone and see exactly what they see and where they go, while watching from your work office in North London, yuppie.

3: THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL TELEVISION. Yes, TV is going digital, no i dont have a high definition TV or even a Sky set top box. I watch most of my TV on the internet, thank you very much. This allows me to watch whatever i want, whenever i want. Shows, sit coms, cartoons, films, documentaries, the choice is so vast it is practically unlimited. Now imagine if we could all do this on a 60" HD screen from the comfort of your favourite arm chair. Ooohhh yeh that feels good doesn't it? Yes, but this isn't anything new you say? Well blue sky, i mean what if you didn't know the series plot of Heroes and you were watching episode 13 without seeing the previous 12 (obviously if anyone actually did this they deserve to be probed) then you could pause the show and bring up a synopsis from something similar to a hyperlink. Now imagine, if there was an actor or even something more specific like an object in the background of a shot that you wanted to learn about? Pause the show, cartoon, docu and run your remote mouse controller over it as a hyperlink to detailed information on said object. The scope is fairly massive with this idea, i need to further think about the accessiblity and amount of information possible to the user and consider what restictions there will be for the consumer.

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