Thursday 26 March 2009

Tweet Your Way Out of Unemployment?

It’s still making the headlines and we can’t help but add fuel to the 140 character fire.

When Twitter bought the search engine Summize back in July last year the Twitterverse was made infinitely more usable for everyone, but it still didn’t solve Twitters business model issue - the fact that they don’t have one.
Last week, this problem may have been solved when Workdigital piloted their Twitter JobSearch, a recruitment search engine that hunts for vacancies and job opportunities mentioned on the micro-blogging site, at Texas’s South by South West Interactive festival.

Of course this isn’t particularly new, recruitment sites such as Check4Jobs, and UKRecruiter, have been Tweeting for months now and the current trend is a direct product of the foreboding recession clouds that loom over us. Fortunately Workdigital’s search service successfully organises and contextualises the vast amount of vocation information that’s posted everyday.

And this can not only help the unemployed Tweeters, but Twitter itself - with its serious lack of revenue. Now it can easily implement ad-supported search engine results pages giving Twitter the money making prospects it’s been looking for, without charging its users for the service or forcing advertising onto peoples profile pages.

So, is Workdigital’s JobSearch set to save Twitter and all of us from the global economic meltdown?

1 comment:

n01d said...