Monday 31 October 2011

Duck Sauce - Big Bad Wolf

Armand Van Helden and A-Trak have sterling histories separately, together, as the disco-house duo Duck Sauce, they're productions kinda bemuse me. At least at first, they sound shit, basic mass appeal bollocks that's a laughable attempt at dance music. This was my initial reaction to Barbara Streisand, their hit single from last year, which, i feel dirty admitting, grew on me. And the same's occurring with Big Bad Wolf. It's a grower, not a show-er. It's simple, fun and catchy as fuck. The howl is irresistable and makes it perfect for a mid-mix crowd pleaser. The track demonstrates Duck Sauce's sense of humour and knack for producing uncomplicated, highly effective tunes. The crotch faces video by Keith Schoffield echos this tendency to not take themselves too seriously.

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