Friday 1 November 2013

Halloween - Plot Point Breakdown

Halloween (1978) is a masterful horror film and still one of the best slasher movies ever made. From the chilling musical score to setting up Jamie Lee Curtis as the ultimate scream queen and developing the archetype of the terrorised blonde teen, it's impact can still be felt today. 

It was also one of the original horror flicks to start the trend of punishing the young who have fun. In the opening scene Micheal kills his sister directly after she's had sex with her boyfriend. Similarly, when he kills Laurie's friend Lydia and her boyfriend Bob, it's right after they've done the no pants dance. Laurie is the sole survivor, and yeah, she's a virgin. So if you wanna survive a horror movie, stay pure!

Inciting Incident - 15 years after murdering his sister on Halloween Michael Myers escapes his asylum in Smith's Grove and returns home to small town Haddonfield, Illinois, by stealing the car of his primary psychiatrist Dr Samuel Loomis.

Lock In - Michael starts stalking high-school girl Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) appearing outside her class window at school, and driving past her in the street. But when Laurie tries to warn her friends Annie and Lynda, they dismiss her concerns.

Midpoint - Michael makes his first kill. Laurie and Annie are babysitting their neighbours' kids for Halloween, Tommy Doyle and Lindsey Wallace respectively, whose houses are across the street from each other. After Annie drops off Lindsey with Laurie, she gets into her car to pick up her boyfriend, but Michael slits her throat from the back seat. Although little Tommy Doyle sees him carrying Annie's dead body back into the Wallace's house, when he tries to warn Laurie about the 'boogieman' she ignores him.

Climax - After Laurie's friend Lynda has had sex with her boyfriend, Bob, Michael murders bob and then strangles Lynda with the telephone cord, but not before Lynda can make a distressed call to Laurie. An unnerved Laurie heads over to the Wallace's house to find the bodies of Annie, Lynda and Bob. Michael slashes at Laurie but she falls down the stairs and manages to escape back to the Doyle's house. Michael pursues our heroine into the house where she manages to stab him in the neck with a knitting needle. 

Resolution - While hiding in a closet Laurie stabs Michael in the eye with an uncoiled coat hanger, making him drop his knife, which she picks up and plunges into his stomach. Thinking he's dead Laurie slumps down against the wall, but we see Michael rise to life in the background. Dr Sam Loomis arrives just in time to shoot Michael and send him falling out the bedroom window. But when Dr Loomis checks outside, Michael's body is no where to be seen.

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