Thursday 20 March 2014

The Symmetry of Wes Anderson

Kogonada's doing his thing again, this time highlighting Wes Anderson's penchant for symmetry. It's just one of the elements that contributes to the auteur's cinematic style but the neat little montage shows how perfectly balanced his compositions are. Initially, this approach seems to go against the rule of thirds - the guideline to composing visual images that are naturally pleasing to the eye - however it's only vertically that Wes Anderson's symmetry eschews the rule, horizontally it often still adheres to it.

Wes Anderson // Centered from kogonada on Vimeo.

Kogonada's videos are wonderful gems that typically focus on demonstrating directors' thematic style, including the sound of Darren Aronofsky, Stanley Kubrick's one point perspective and Tarantino from below. They're all worth watching and here's to hoping he makes more.

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