Tuesday 13 May 2014

The Inception Foghorn

Two new trailers came out last week, one for the promising-looking Gotham TV series, and one for Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which looks incredible. Thing is, trailers, their films, and TV shows are STILL using Hans Zimmer's BWARRRRRRMMMM foghorn from Inception.

It's a great sound affect, a foreboding subterranean growl that fills you with dread. Except it doesn't, not now, because since 2010 you haven't been able to go to the cinema without hearing that foghorn. We've been over exposed, so although it might still sound cool and lend whatever visuals it's scoring a grand and portentous feel, really, all I can think is, "Oh, there's the Inception foghorn AGAIN."

And it's always used at the end of the trailer, a deep grinding bass to drill it into viewers that this is gonna be BIG and it demands your attention. With the new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer it's a more spatial, breathy iteration and it is used to fantastic effect, but we're a Wilhelm scream away from this groaning foghorn soundtracking shampoo commercials, bullying us into believing their pseudo-science coz the BWAAARRRMMM said so. And then all it's magnanimous foreboding glory will be lost forever, like tears in the rain.

Other Sound Effects to Replace the Inception Foghorn
Underwater sample of a boat hitting rocks.
A Brian Blessed yawn played at half speed.
A Brian Blessed sneeze played at double speed.
The tell-tale plop of a turd hitting water.

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