Tuesday 19 February 2008

Dialectic diagnosis suburbia

Counterculture will never work because it is merely a reform of our current culture, we need to reject our culture entirely and start afresh. As Marx wanted to do with Communism, we must do with culture jamming. We need to rethink our application of media and technologies and reinvent our social and economic order. Karl's critique of the Unions can be applied. They were a step in the right direction, but in no way revolutionary enough, they simply redesign the cages in which the workers operate rather than break the shackles of labour power. It applies today as much as it did 120 years ago. The proletariat are kept subservient by ideologies, false consciousness and warped meta-narratives. 

This is the illusion the bourgeoisie erected by producing ideas as a means of exercising subordination of the working class. The workers are not people, just cogs in the machine. Their only individuality comes from their significance in the mode of production that is privately owned, therefore they can never function as a social human being in the outside world, purely a tool. They are a labour means towards a capital end. They toiled 12-16 hour days to barely survive and were still drowning in poverty and famine when they returned home each night. This alienation can be summed up by the phrase "existence precedes consciousness" (more depressing than Sartre's 'existence precedes essence'). A proletarian is defined by their social context rather than their essential behavior.

But can Communism ever work? Soviet history would argue no. People always have their own personal agenda which overrides the necessary selflessness that is required to unite the proletariat. Capitalism promotes egocentric materialists lost in self-obsession and further strengthens the wrong kind of individualism via bourgeois propaganda and hegemony - contemporary advertising makes fake promises of identity, self-definition, status and power through the purchasing of overpriced, mass produced goods. This state of affairs will continue to get worse until there is a breaking point where consumerism crescendos and the smog of greed, ignorance and apathy clears to reveal a lucid sky of working class clarity.

Unfortunately i don't see counterculture bringing this forth. So why am i taking a subversive attack on the MTV brief? Well, because i'd much prefer to take a socialist point of view where i can still exercise my imagination, than conform to corporate group-think and be another free instrument of ideas and labour power. Saying that, however, if MTV were to appreciate my alternative approach and want to offer me money for the idea, or future ideas, i would happily accept it. I don't know how Communism can ever hope to cope with the fact that human nature is inherently egotistical, let alone counterculture.

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