Monday 11 February 2008

The Society of the Sensational

After watching 20 minutes of The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord i wondered how it compared to our contemporary millenial society, and i was thinking of this in consideration with Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation.
Now it occurs to me that the issues Debord brings to light about imagery replacing direct experience and mediating human interaction still rings true but in an even more extreme state, to the extent that we are completely emmersed in this unrecognizable Hyperreality. With the continual glamourization of everything banal, and vacuous, stemming from our empty celebrity obsessed culture thats given birth to a plethora of meaningless magazines, Closer, Grazia, Hello, Ok etc etc. And a Reality TV ideal that couldn't be more contrived if it tired. When our reality has been completely replaced by representation, that is itself true and relies on no other model for reference, we are totally lost.
The mass media and megacorporations make fake promises and create false ideologies that the public blindly follow. Everything is bigger, better, faster, stronger, a staged experience that is realer than real itself. We increasingly fetishize media technologies that in turn continue to necessitate themselves in our everyday lives more and more. We glamourize dark Nietzschen philosophies of nihilism with Fight Club's and American Psycho's. So much art, advertising, journalism and general reportage is broadcasting sensationalism globally and giving birth to styles such as 'infotainment'. These buzz words hold little significance but to signify the meaninglessness of our current consumer culture. Half a century on from Debord and we are now the numb Society of the Sensational.

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